Innovation for the logistics sector that has lasted for half a century.
Discover the historical stages of our company.
50 years
Thanks to all the customers who believed in our innovations, Campisa today boasts numerous achievements. In March 2022, the company celebrates its 50th anniversary. With this important goal achieved, today Campisa presents its new logo and new image, bringing the same values that have distinguished it for half a century.
50 years
Thanks to all the customers who believed in our innovations, Campisa today boasts numerous achievements.
In March 2022, the company celebrates its 50th anniversary.
With this important goal achieved, today Campisa presents its new logo and new image, bringing the same values that have distinguished it for half a century.

The year that marks the beginning of a new era for the company. With the transfer of the production site to Piedmont, Campisa now has over 14.000 m2 covered for the production of loading bays and sectional doors.
Modern and highly efficient production systems are installed in the new headquarters, as well as new cutting-edge systems for the robotic painting of loading ramps. Today, customers are offered high quality industrial products that last longer, with the aim of eliminating the unknowns related to construction site labor.
New branches have been opened around the world to be able to expand the company business on a global scale. This is to meet the logistical needs of any industrial or commercial environment worldwide.
new pole
new pole
The year that marks the beginning of a new era for the company. With the transfer of the production site to Piedmont, Campisa now has over 14,000 m 2 covered for the production of loading bays and sectional doors.
Modern and highly efficient production systems are installed in the new headquarters, as well as new cutting-edge systems for the robotic painting of loading ramps. Today, customers are offered high quality industrial products that last over time longer, with the aim of eliminating the unknowns related to construction site labor.
New branches have been opened around the world to be able to expand the company business on a global scale. This is to meet the logistical needs of any industrial or commercial environment worldwide.

The origins

Gianpaolo Nelzi together with his partners, founds “Campidoglio Susa Srl” for the marketing of industrial folding containers and tail lifts for vehicles. 1976: Loading ramps and sealants become part of the production range. The company changes its name to Campisusa Srl. 1977: The production of industrial loading ramps begins. 1979: With the development of new models of folding containers and roll-containers, the company creates two new companies in France and England and for the launch of a new product line: tail lifts for vehicles. 1982: The partners decide to reorganize the company, and transfer the hydraulic sector under the control of the Nelzi family, creating a new company that takes the name of “Campisa Oleodinamica”.

The company takes the current name of Campisa Srl. With the of the new name, sectional doors are introduced among the range of products offered. 1989: Campisa incorporates Martin Srl and blends the production sectors. 1993: The company moves to a new production site located in Palazzolo Milanese. 1995: An innovative system is created for the production of rapid doors. 1996: Campisa is awarded a new patent with the innovative hydraulic lifting system for sectional doors.

The company acquires new patents and enhances the production of ramps and sealants for loading docks. 2000: Campisa decides to sell the tail lift branch and devote itself exclusively to the production of ramps, doors and sealants. The company acquires and installs new robotic systems for the automatic welding, and painting of the ramps. 2007: Campisa files for further patents to embrace into new industrial fields such as the cold chain and the “fireproof” sector.

Campisa secures the SOA certification for the manufacturing and installation of machines, and also the “fireproof” certification for sectional doors withstanding flames up to 180 minutes. 2012: The Project Assistant is born: first service for the assistance of customers and designers. 2014: Production of new technological loading bays managed by remote controls is implemented. 2015: Campisa presents the new “Campisa Components Division” and introduces the new “Fidelity System” at the R&T fair in Stuttgart for the combined management of ramps and doors. February 5, 2018: An established industrial group specialized in the production of PVC roofs and sheds acquires the control of the Campisa company.
Contact Campisa
Discover the best bays, loading ramps and sectional doors for your needs.
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